Business Card 2.0 | PCB Design, NFC, Antenna, JLCPCB

The ultimate business card in PCB form, designed to bridge the physical world with the digital.

The Problem

Business card designs are old and stuck in the 70's.

You're an electrical engineer, technologist, a computer scientist. Your business card should reflect who you are at a glance, while providing an extremely convenient way to display your contact details.

In the age of tech and smart-phones, why as an engineer or scientist are you still using basic paper to represent yourself? Let's take this 15th century social sign of courtesy and give it the 21st century overhaul it's been begging for since 2001.

The Solution

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The ultimate business card in FR-4 material, designed to bridge the physical world with the digital. Created to impress, but also express creativity while providing a convenient way to stand your phone up during those long flights home (click here for instructions).

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Quick Response (QR) Code

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For those that choose to have the NFC side unpopulated, on the back of the card is a spot for a large QR code designed as an alternative way to quickly retrieve data using your smart-phone.

The back also provides enough space for your written contact information. Perfect for those that refuse to get a smart-phone in the 21st century.

Near Field Communication (NFC)

The front of the card features a 1Kb NFC chip (NT3H1101) designed to hold enough information to store your contact info, url, email, and plain text. Energy is harvested during a scan through the antenna, powering the LED while beaming data to the phone with a contactless tap.

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Phone Stand

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Have you ever wanted to watch a movie on your phone during your flight but forgot your phone stand? Not to worry, just transform my card when you're in a pinch.

Its easy! Just snap the tab off and use the card like a kickstand. The card itself is made of solid material, rigid enough to support the heaviest of heavy phones.

"It comes in clutch" - All the cool kids

Inspired by the snap-n-play model kit frame design, the card is thin, light, and easily kept in a wallet. It's a card that stands out in a pile of boring business cards, providing value in life instead of merely storing info that might not even be relevant to the recipient.

It's a board... It's a card...
It's open-source!

I made the design files open-source. The class 4 antenna, resistor and capacitor are all calculated for. All you need to do, if you want to make your own is change the QR-Code, logo, and contact details. Parts and instructions are on the project GitHub page.

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JLCPCB Unboxing